About Me

Discover the lore that is Jansley.

About Me

This Is My Story

After years of working a Physical Therapist job, I felt stagnant, uninspired, and emotionally drained. I realized it wasn’t my calling. That’s when I began my journey...

I tried a lot of different career paths. Concierge PT, tech sales, UX design.. but none of them clicked with me. I was searching for something that wasn’t there.

I was documenting my journey on YouTube, and one day I noticed I was making money with my channel. It was small, but steady. And it was enough to give me a light bulb moment.

What if I could monetize my creativity? Pursuing my passions, exploring my curiosities, and sharing what I learn. What if I could carve my own path to financial freedom?

So I quit my PT job to make it happen. Stakes are high. Time is ticking.

The path is foggy, but I am excited to see where the journey takes me!


My Awakening Began in 2022

I've tried a lot of different paths to make a living in life. With that came a lot of failure, but also many little successes along the way. Each step forward brings more clarity to my purpose.

March 2022

I move to Richmond and pursue creating an online physical therapy practice to help people with posture and low back pain. I create a YouTube channel to document my journey.

August 2022

I realize physical therapy is not the career path for me, so I embark on my journey to become a UX designer. I pivot my YouTube content to focus on my new journey.

September 2023

I realize UX design is not the career path for me. I started making money with YouTube, and decided to figure out a way to become financially free with YouTube and web design.

February 2024

I create a Skool community called Creator Launchpad. It helps people launch and grow a YouTube channel.

April 2024

I saved up enough money to quit my job and have 8 months living expenses. I visited Thailand for 1 month. I work on my vision of achieving financial freedom through YouTube, web design, and helping others through my community.

Present Day

The Journey Continues...

I'm still realizing my dream of achieving financial freedom, and documenting my journey on my YouTube channel. If you're interested, you should definitely check it out.

Launch and grow your own YouTube channel

Join the Creator Launchpad, a community designed where you can connect and learn from other YouTubers trying to authentically build their channel. You can chat with me there too.